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Lunch (to go) recipes

Lunch (to go) Salt Minced chives Semi-skimmed milk ...

Mix all the dry together in a bowl. Whisk eggs, milk and butter together in another bowl. Tubes so slowly the wet into the dry, so it doesn't lump and turn eventually filling in the dough. The filling is dry, can adjust the consistency with a little more milk.

Lunch (to go) Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Drain the tuna. Cut the bell pepper into cubes. Mix all ingredients and season with lemon, salt and pepper. Got lettuce and bean sprouts in pitabrødet. Be wrapped in plastic wrap.

Lunch (to go) Pepper Salt Grahams ...

Vegetables of your choice URf.eks. broccoli, mushroom, tomato, pores or onions. Steam or sauté the vegetables so that they lose a little water. This makes the tart less gooey. Coarser vegetables such as carrots may be pre-cooked. Beat the dough together and

Lunch (to go) Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Blend parsley and milk. Stir in the flour with the egg, melted butter, yogurt and milk. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar. Let dough pull at least 30 minutes before it is used. Use a little bit of fat for the first pancake. Behind then the panca

Lunch (to go) Fat for frying HP sauce or English sauce Cut chives ...

Stir meat together with eggs, wheat flour, spices, salt and pepper. Let stuffing rest for half an hour. Heat the oil in a frying pan, shape into 8 meatballs and fry them forcemeat Golden in ca. 5-8 min on both sides. For potato salad touched fromage frais with

Lunch (to go) Muesli with much dried fruit (40%) Acacia honey ...

wash your hands before you start the switch on the oven at 170 degrees came guest up in a bowl and add the honey. Mix it well came the mixture out on a baking tray with baking paper form the mixture into a square approximately 10 x 12.50 cm behind the Granola

Lunch (to go) Lemon juice Little nigella Pepper ...

Kyllingefiletterne seasoned with curry powder, salt and pepper and FRY at medium heat for about 5 minutes on each side. Mix the minced red onion, fintsnittet scallions and chopped coriander, and season with salt and pepper. Slice the mango flesh free of the st

Lunch (to go) White balsamic or white wine vinegar Olive oil or brine from the artichokes Bresola ...

Cook pasta as directed on package, rinse well in cold water, and mix with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Mix the pasta with the drained artichokes, halve the cherry tomatoes, bresola and Arugula. Sprinkle the salad with pine nuts, eventually and