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Recipes with Yeast

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Olive oil Salt ...

Luke water, salt and yeast are mixed easily. The chopped herbs are added. I have used parsley, quiver and estragon together; It gives a nice taste to most dishes. You can also use thyme, oregano and parsley together. Make different kinds of flutes, so that the

Bread, buns & biscuits Mix well together Flax seed Bran ...

The dough is well mixed together. Pour in a greased form, put in a cold oven and baked at 225 ° for approx. 40 min. The dough must not lift.

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Olive oil Dry white wine ...

The eggs are whipped well and the wheat flour is stirred in. The yeast is poured into 1 tablespoon of lukewarm water and mixed with olive oil, white wine, a spicy salt and freshly ground pepper. The green olives are cut into slices. The nuts are chopped and th

Bread, buns & biscuits Aniseed Fennel seeds Flax seed ...

Flax seed and water boil for 5 minutes, pour boiling over the flour. The melts are crumbled well, almonds and sunflower seeds are added and the whole is cooled. Then dissolve the yeast in a little water and add the flour together with grape seed oil, salt and

Bread, buns & biscuits Cardamom Ground ginger Ground cloves ...

The yeast is stirred with a little of the water. The dry ingredients are mixed. The apple is torn and mixed with yeast, oil, water and apple sauce. It all goes together until the dough achieves consistency like a thick and slightly heavy sand cake. The dough c

Bread, buns & biscuits Sourdough Salt Sugar ...

Peel the potatoes and grind them roughly. Mix water and potatoes and leave for 3 hours. Say it and save the water. Stir the saucepan together. Cover and leave to stand at room temperature for 2 days. Stir the saucepan with crumbled yeast, water, salt and so mu

Bread, buns & biscuits Grahams Anise Salt ...

The yeast is poured into the lukewarm water. The oil is added. Then bring the flour and spices. Keep some of the flour back, the amount depends on how dry the flour is. The dough raises to double size. Lift carefully on the table. Cut in half to two loav

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Lukewarm water Honey ...

Stir the yeast into the lukewarm water and add the other ingredients. Eat the dough with the flour that it can now take. Do not use it all from the start. Let the dough raise up to approx. 1 hour until it has reached a double size. Then eaten well again and fo