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Recipes with Whipped cream

Mains Apples Pepper Whipped cream ...

Turn on the oven at 100-125 degrees C. alm. oven. Preparation for another takes approx. 1½ hours, but let another be done approx. 1 hour before eating, so that it can rest for half an hour, cut and again put in the oven for half an hour while accessories are b

Mains Carrots Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Put the rice over (use rice with wild rice) The fish pieces are spiced with salt and pepper and a little thyme and wrapped in a strip of bacon and closed with a toothpick. Stir by low-medium heat until the bacon is crisp. sauce: The tomatoes are chopped

Soups Peaches Peeled tomatoes Garlic powder ...

The tomatoes are poured into a pan and heated while they are divided a little. The ladle layers are poured on during heating. Add cream and pour the soup with curry and garlic powder to taste. The soup is boiled up. When the soup is below the boiling point, th

Desserts (cold) Apricots Lemon grated zest and juice from here Henkogte peaches ...

Cut the fruit into smaller pieces in the bowl. Pour some of the dumplings. The fruit must be cold m / lid over a couple of hours. Whip the plums together with sugar whip it over the water bath until it is airy and foaming. Peel the lemon lemon and juice in. Le

Soups Chinese cabbage Whipped cream Peaches ...

Sweat onions and garlic with curry. Add the peeled tomatoes, the juice from the peaches, cream and broth. Let it simmer for a quarter and peanut while peaches and china cabbage fine. Finally add prawns and peaches to the soup (NB: do not cook now). Put the

Appetizers Cucumber Dill, fresh Pepper. White ...

Spinach is thawed in a refrigerator and the water is kept on and reduced while boiling to give flavor, then add cream and smooth it with a bowl of butter. Season with salt, white pepper and sugar. The salmon is served on the plate of lettuce, tomato, cucu

Cakes Eggs Cardamom, ground Sugar ...

Crumble yeast in a bowl and stir it with a spoonful of milk. Melt the butter and add the rest of the milk. The fluid should be approx. 38 degrees warm and mix with the dissolved yeast. Load almonds to flour. Add almond, sugar, cardamom and half of the flour, i

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Orange/peach juice Whipped cream ...

Blended until the ice cubes are broken