Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Soups Water Fresh ginger Pepper ...

Pour beef tails in a large pot with water, ginger and salt. Bring the water to a boil, turn down the heat and simmer until meat is tender. It takes approximately 2 hours. Cream soup of along the way. Sauce: chop the scallions, garlic and Ginger finely. Mix

Salads Cayenne pepper Spring onions Garlic ...

Peel the cucumbers and cut them into thin slices. Put them in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and add water. Let them lie down for 15 minutes and then pour all moisture from. Chop the garlic and spring onions fine. Mix them with all remaining ingredients and pou

Mains Parsley, fresh Salt Cayenne pepper ...

Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Add finely chopped onions, pressed garlic, saffron, turmeric, cumin, coriander, paprika, and cayenne pepper and saute for about 10 minutes for the onions are tender. Add kylligelårene, lemon juice, water, ap

Desserts (cold) Cornstarch scraped tablespoons Vanilla Sugar ...

Apples peeled and cut into small pieces. The apples and water brought to a boil slowly and is allowed to cook on a low heat until tender. Season with sugar. Remember to whip all the time. The bog must cool off. Whites whipped stiff and mix gently with the c

Mains Salt Water Chanterelles, fresh ...

Kantarellerne or other mushrooms cleaned and roasted hard on a smoking hot pan in a little oil. The dough is a vandbakkelsesdej, and it is made as follows: Water boils up with butter and salt. Add the flour and the toasting of. Let it cool slightly and then

Pickling Orange Water Sugar ...

The peeled oranges and chilies ´ ies cut into small pieces and let it stand with the water in a bowl overnight. Then boil the 1 hour on low heat. Then add the sugar by stirring, and let Cook for 2 minutes. Gelling agent is stirred in, a short rehash and pour i

Mains Lemon juice Smooth-leaved parsley Onion ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices Arrow onion and cut it into cubes. Clean the mushrooms, cut them into slices and drizzle with lemon juice. Chop the parsley coarsely and mix it with the breadcrumbs and the grated cheese. Put potato and mushroom slice

Soups Fat Parsley Cayenne pepper ...

Cut the chicken meat into small pieces. Remove the seeds from the peppers. Wash leek and slice the peppers and leeks into strips. Mix all ingredients for the cream, and style the cool until serving. Fry the meat and the vegetables in a little fat in a sauce