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Recipes with Water

Candy Vinegar Water Lurpak butter ...

All ingredients except vinegar in a 4 l. Pan and boil together by good heat. Be careful it does not burn on and stir in it with a couple of minutes. When the mass thickens, add the vinegar and the cooker forward some minutes on it has cooked approximately 1

Lunch Eggs Egg yolk Fresh mint leaves finely chopped ...

The filling is prepared by heating the oil in a large frying pan, after which the onions, chilies and spices are added, and the FRY at a moderate heat for 5 min., or to the onion is browned. Add the minced meat and stir over strong heat to it is well browned,

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Forcemeat is split into 4 and shaped like a steak. sprinkled with a little salt and pepper. Reversed in the beaten egg and then in the breadcrumbs. Fried on a skillet for about 6 minutes on each side. Or brown them for about 2 minutes and then place them

Candy Water The Chinese like to Jasmine Cold unsalted butter ...

Thebladene came in a small bowl. Bring the water to boiling and pour a bit of water over the tea just so it covers. Let the tea stand. Chop the chocolate very fine and it came in a bowl. Bring the cream to a boil in a small saucepan. SI tea and pour it into th

Candy Water Dark or light chocolate Sugar ...

Cut the yellow to be thin by the oranges with kartoffelskrælleren or a sharp knife. The white membranes must be cut off. Shell cut into 3-5 mm. wide strips. Put Orange strips in boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and drain. Repeat boiling 2 times more and drai

Candy Ättik alcohol Water Icing sugar ...

Boil powdered sugar with the water and ättikspriten in a saucepan to lagen consists trådprøven. It takes approximately 10 minutes. (Trådprøve: take a little syrup between two spoons. Drag skeerne from each other. Sheeting shall threads.) Pour the sugar in a

Candy Must of 4-6 unsprayed oranges ca. 150 g Water Sugar ...

The washed orange peel covered with cold water and made cold ½-1 day. They are cooked until tender in water, covered, approx. ½ hour, then the afdryppes. If the husk is very thick, you can now with a teaspoon peel off a thick layer of the white film away. The

Candy Carrot Tesukker Sugar ...

The scraped carrots boil until tender in water. They swept apricots over poured with the water in which carrot are cooked and made cold, for the day after. Then painted both carrot and apricots through kødmaskinen. The sugar is melted in the Marsh that is boil