Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Egg yolk Olive oil ...

Dissolve the yeast in half of the lukewarm water with a little sugar. Term the flour into a bowl, add the salt and yeast and stir it all well together. Add the lukewarm water, and even the last knead the dough until it is light and flexible and easily relea

Mains EVS. Bay leaves Cream Wheat flour ...

Peel root vegetables and cut them into coarse pieces. Brown beef shoulder thoroughly on all sides, tag it up. Sauté the vegetables. Llæg roast back, sprinkle heavily with salt and pepper. Pour approximately 1 ½ cm of water at. Put the lid on and simmer appr

Receptions Salt Eggs Semi-skimmed milk ...

Stir the yeast in the lukewarm water. Make a batter of the udrørte yeast and the remaining ingredients. Roll the dough out with a rolling pin into a circle and share in 16 parts through the middle. Put a cocktail sausage (Not from canned) on every part that

Mains Whole peper Salt Thyme ...

Revelsbenene powder on your partner with plenty of salt and draws a few hours. They met in a pan with a dark beer, a bouillon cube, bay leaf, whole peper and thyme. The legs are cooked until tender. Then FRY the Brown in butter in a frying pan. Ølben

Drinks (warm) Champagne or sparkling white wine Limes Water ...

Dilute lime juice with a little water and freeze in ice cube trays or the fluid bags. Rinse and dry lime fruits and cut them into slices, which is split into 4. Set high glass cool, if necessary. an hour or so in the freezer. Advantage ice cubes and fruit slic

Mains A couple of tablespoons. rendered Turkey fat or butter EVS. 2 tbsp. wheat flour Roll neck, wing tips and rump ...

Turkey broth: Hak kalkunens neck into smaller pieces with a heavy, sharp knife. Cut the two outer vingeled of the bird. Slice the rump of and remove the fat glands on the upper side of this. Do vegetables able and share them roughly. Hot fat in the not-t

Mains A little fresh herbs Pepper Salt ...

Mix oil, chilli and salt and turn the pighajkoteletterne herein, let them draw 1/2 hour. Fry them on a dry teflon Pan 5 min. on each side. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and mix them with oil, vinegar, a

Soups Juice from 1 lemon Honey Vanilla ...

Bring plenty of water to a boil in a large pot. Came the peaches in. take them up after 30 seconds and got them in cold water. Bleep them immediately with a small, sharp knife. Then cut a rids into to the stone all the way around. Twist the two halves away fro