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Recipes with Vanilla sugar

Desserts (warm) Raisins Sugar Vanilla sugar ...

Mix the dough (butter, sugar, egg, flour, vanilla sugar and milk) together and put it on a hot forehead. Sprinkle the raisin on and turn it when it is golden. When the other side is golden, the dough is torn into small pieces and served hot.

Cakes in form Miscellaneous Fill Egg yolk ...

Make a meal of flour, butter, flour and egg yolk. Set it cold for 1 hour. The chestnuts are cut with a cross in the top and shaken on a plate in the oven at 200 degrees. Let them cool. The chestnuts are peeled off and the fainted skin removed. Steam chestnuts

Cakes in form Butter and bread crumbs to form Walnuts for garnish Abrikosmos ...

Stir or whip sugar and butter lightly and lightly. Whip egg and milk together. Chop the nuts roughly and mix with flour and baking soda. Now stir the egg mixture and flour mixture in butter and sugar for a smooth dough. Butter a low-fat dish, approx. 20 * 30 c

Cakes Cocoa Milk Strong coffee ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped foamy. Bake powder, cocoa and vanilla sugar are sieved and whipped. Mix the milk and melted butter and finally turn the flour into the dough and pour it into a greased baking pan that is 30x40 cm. The cake is baked approx. 10 min at

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Colourful vermicelli ...

Chop flour and butter and chop it into a grit. Mix sugar, vanilla sugar, baking soda and cocoa and put it in. Add spiced egg and knead the dough evenly. Roll the dough into 6 bars, placed on a plate of baking paper. Press the bars slightly flat and place the p

Cakes in form EVS. strawberries dipped in chocolate coating Baking soda Vanilla sugar ...

Melt the chocolate into the milk. Stir in garlic and vanilla sugar. Stir in garlic and vanilla sugar and let the mixture cool. Stir the butter and sugar lightly and stir the eggs one by one. Mix flour and baking powder and turn it in with the chocolate mixture

Desserts (warm) Corn starch Salt Macerate the yellow mung ...

Mix rice flour, 2 dl sugar and 5 dl juice and cook it to a doughy consistency. In another pot, boil with the rest of the sugar and vanilla to a similar consistency. Cool and roll small mung beans. Brush the banana leaves with oil, place the rice dough in th

Cakes in form Egg white Vanilla sugar Milk ...

Stir the butter, which should have room temperature, good with sugar & amp; vanilla sugar. Get the egg yolks in one at a time. Stir milk and flour in. Mix the flour with the baking soda and turn it into the dough poured into a frying pan (about A4 size) lined