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Recipes with Vanilla ice cream

Desserts (cold) Vanilla ice cream Toms turtles ...

The ice must be soft when you moser/mixes the turtles in. Once this is done be frozen ice down again in a few hours, and it is ready for serving!

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon sugar or dark chocolate Silver paper Vanilla ice cream ...

These grilled bananas can be made in 2 variations-both equally good. With cinnamon sugar: Bananas are added with Peel on the barbecue and grilling to Peal is completely black. Then scrape the filling out and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and served with van

Drinks (cold) Whipped cream Vanilla sugar Strawberry. frozen. usukrede ...

Blend everything, pour in tall glass, server and enjoy! Must be drunk with a spoon.

Desserts (warm) Breadcrumbs Egg white Pure raw marzipan ...

The apples were peeled off, and House's core out. Mix a solid mass of egg white and marzipan and fill in Apple hole. Then roll the apples in a mixture of bread crumbs and sugar. Apples put in an ovenproof dish and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees c.

Desserts (cold) Sugar Small pineapple Egg whites ...

Preheat oven to 250 degrees (C). Pineapple with the top sliced lengthwise. Flesh loosened along the shell, the stick in the middle is cut away, and the meat cut into cubes. The egg whites whipped very stiff. Sugar whisked in a little at a time. Ice cream an

Drinks (cold) Jorbær (can easily be dispensed with) Strawberries (can easily be dispensed with) Milk as needed ...

There are 2 ways to fix this milkshake on-but the only difference is indgredienserne. The whole place in a blender and blending it together ... However, it is a good idea to get the ice in first and slowly add milk. But used ingredients from No. 2 then t

Drinks (cold) A38 or other plain yogurt Ice cubes if you used fresh strawberries Milk ...

Blend all the ingredients together into a uniform mass and season to taste with sugar. Server in tall glasses with straws.

Drinks (cold) Chocolate pieces for garnish Whipped cream Instant coffee powder ...

Blend ice cream, ground coffee and rum slowly, indtilkonsistensen is creamy. Fill tall glass approximately ¾ and Add vanilla ice cream. Garnish with whipped cream, instant coffee and chocolate pieces.