Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato pasta

Mains Pepper (drus little) Citric acid Onions in small cubes ...

Start with the filling. Mix the rice and tomato paste together in a bowl. Put on the onions in the. And pepper and lemon acid and finally the meat! Outside: the bulbs and the other things, there must be nothing inside of it alone! tips: Enjoy!

Mains Parsley Grated ginger Garlic ...

The Chileans should not be too small, nor too strong. The halves and seeds and seedlings are removed. Stir the cream cheese with finely chopped garlic and parsley as well as a slight bump of pepper. The curds are distributed in the chili. The chicken breasts a

Soups Chili Margarine Paprika ...

Boil the lentils in a half an hour. Saute the onion in the margarine and Add flour and tomato paste. Came the cooked lentils and water in and add spices to taste. Blend soup and Cook 10 minutes. Tips: Served with bread and salad.

Lunch Broth Pepper Salt ...

cut the top off and hollow-out the tomatoes with a teaspoon. Forcemeat is stirred well, it should be fixed ... Come on dad's in the hollowed-out tomatoes, top it up a bit. Style tomatoes in a tærtefad ... Stir together broth and pour it into the dish at the

Mains Pepper Salt Plain mustard ...

Mix together the wine, mustard, half the oil and all the spices together. Put the meat in a bowl or plastic bag and pour the marinade over, cover the bowl with plastic and style it cool overnight. Next business day: Warm the last oil and saute a little onio

Mains Asparagus potatoes Wax paper or bagefolie Chicken broth/EVS. cube ...

Animal meat is freed from tendons and membranes, seasoned with salt and pepper and fried in butter or oil in a frying pan. The washed potatoes boiled in water and salt asparagus-like with the skin on. The top cut of fenniklerne, then quarter and boil unt

Mains Mashed potatoes by 1 kg. potatoes Pepper Salt ...

Breast meat insert into strips. Bacon FRY on low heat in saucepan or wok for approx. 10 min. Bacon and chicken strips Brown card in the rendered fat. The chicken is taken up again and the cleaned mushrooms and diced onions come in the pan. Red pepper and ho

Mains Basil Margarine or oil Paprika ...

Boil tortellinien in water with a little salt. Brown the meat in a pan with onions and white onion. Add the broth or water and tomato paste. Season with paprika, thyme, basil, salt and pepper. Came tortellinien in an ovenproof dish, pour over kødsovsen a