Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Smoked bacon, diced

Mains A little milk to assemble the right Pepper Grated cheese ...

Peel the potatoes and cook these tenderly. At the same time the bacon nuts were roasted. Pour the water from the potatoes and "stamp" them either with an old-fashioned potato stamp or with a fork. (Not to be mashed completely. There must be a bite in) Add th

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomato ...

Freeze the tenderloin for seniors and barriers and cut them out for approx. 2 cm thick steaks. Bank the steaks with the palm of the hand. Arrow and chop onions. Clean the mushrooms and split them in quarters. Cut the pepper in elongated tern Melt the butt

Cold cuts Chili Very pepper Allspice ...

How to: getting it all in a food processor and let the machine run for it have been a finely ground mass. Butter a foil form with butter/oil and came cnivi therein. Bake in an oven at 200 ° for approximately 50-60 minutes Tips: Serving: Tastes still on r

Mains Tarragon Filled with calories) Paprika ...

/Bacontern and onion sausages roasted Macaroni boiled sour cream mixed with eggs, bread crumbs, tomato terns, grated cheese and spices. Mix macaroni, sausage/bacon/onion and tomatoes well. Then mix the dressing of sour cream well along with the other stuff. Sp

Soups Italian bread A little tomato puree Oil ...

The vegetables be able, writing, cut into cubes. The meat is cut into cubes (also bacon). Getting oil in the Pan and warm it up, came the onion, bacon in the pot to the onions are clear. Came the meat in the Pan and paprika, Rosemary-let it simmer for about 5