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Recipes with Small potatoes

Mains Letkogt broccoli Cornstarch to jævning Pepper ...

Dry poussinerne inner and outer and brown them in butter. Brown also potatoes in butter. Poussinerne sprinkle with salt and pepper, place them in a dish together with the potatoes and FRY both parts in the oven approximately 35 minutes. For the sauce boil w

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are put over to boil. Boil 15 minutes and onto cooked by. Fry them further in the pan until tender. Season with salt and pepper. In other pan fried Zucchini sticks together with the garlic, thyme and Sun-dried tomatoes, then poured it all boils

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Chopped Mint ...

RIDs fat edge on steaks. Melt the butter and Brown the steaks on both sides. Reduce the heat and FRY steaks approximately 2 minutes on each side depending on how Red they should be. Sprinkle salt and pepper on during frying. Take the steaks from the Pan and pu

Sides Salt Parsley, fresh Butter ...

Boil the potatoes in salted water until tender but firm. Arrow the potatoes and turn them in butter and chopped parsley in the frying pan, pour them in a oven-proof serving dish and put them in a 170 degrees c. alm. oven 15 minutes before the course is serv

Mains Juniper Hazelnuts Pepper ...

Animal Club boned and rubbed into the salt, pepper, thyme and crushed juniper berries about 1 hour before grilling. Indirect grilling for approx. 1 1/2 hour. Let the animal Club meeting the rest 20 minutes before serving. Savoy cabbage, bacon pieces f

Mains Basil Fine chopped parsley fresh or dried Bay leaves ...

Start by turning on the oven at 200 degrees c. You must tear 4 paragraph long foil in pieces, they must be ca. be a good meter money, put the double together. Put 1 small handful of Bay leaves in the middle of the foliet, then a small handful of beans, p

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Salmon Steaks into flour and seasoned with salt and pepper. FRY until golden. The potatoes are cooked. The butter is melted and the potatoes turned over in it along with the chopped parsley.

Soups A little celery Small potatoes Tomato puree or Curry ...

Pour 1 ½ l fish soup in a pot. Boil in this small potatoes, a little celery, cut into small cubes and 2-3 carrots, which are also cut into cubes. When the herbs are tender evened the soup with a melbolle (50 g. melted margarine and 50 g. flour touched toget