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Recipes with Peeled tomatoes

Base recipes Good olive oil White wine Salt ...

Cut the vegetables well and put them in the oil in a thick pot, for 10-15 minutes at medium heat. Add the peeled tomatoes, tomato puree and a little salt. Turn down the heat and put the pot on the pot. Leave the sauce small for 1½ to 2 hours. If the sauce gets

Mains Peas Peeled tomatoes Cream ...

The spaghetti is boiled according to the package's instructions. Meanwhile, the oil is heated, in turn, onions, tuna, peas and corn are swirled. Flaked tomatoes and cream are added. It is boiled and simmered about 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Spagh

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

BEFORE YOU START: Notice the long cooking time: 2-2½ hours. Cut onion, bacon, celery and carrots very nicely into the tern and mix it all with the meat in a large saucepan. Put the mixture in oil into the pan until the meat turns brown. Then add the wine an

Mains Pepper Salt Bit chili ...

Sweat onions, garlic and peppers. Add meat and brown it. Add the rest except the raisins. Let all the little ones simmer a bit and add any. A little water if it is too "dry" to simmer. Stir the raisins in just before serving. tips: Eat with rice or taco ch

Soups Chicken filets into strips Olive oil Black pepper ...

Season the vegetables in a large pot, in the oil. Add the cream cheese and stir in the vegetables until it is melted. Then add the bouillon and chilli sauce and peeled tomatoes and everything else incl. the meat. Let it boil for about 1 hour without lid. Stir

Base recipes Leaf celery Peeled tomatoes Head cabbage or head cabbage ...

Tap up to 17 pounds in 7 days SUPPE (the soup can be eaten every day). 1 main white cabbage or spider bowl 2 onions 2 green peppers 1 leaf celery 1 can of peeled tomatoes 2 hp. Lipton onion soup (possibly vegetable broth) Chop the vegetables very w

Sauces Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Water, peeled tomatoes, bullion, cream, onion, peppers and garlic are brought to the pot once, slowly brought to boil and reduced approx. 1/3 part, season with salt and pepper and blend before serving

Mains Whole grain pasta to 3-4 pers Bqq sauce (power) Peeled tomatoes ...

1. Step the bacon, either on the pan or in the oven. (I prefer oven) 2. Chop the chicken with an oil in a saucepan. Until it's fried and browned slightly. 3. Blend the peeled tomatoes so that no lumps are present. Add the mixed tomatoes, the cooking cream a