Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Strong mustard ...

The onions are chopped finely, roasted in the butter and allowed to cool. The spoon is soaked for 10 minutes in hot water and the water is squeezed out. The chopped meat is brought together with bread, egg, salt, pepper and mustard. 2-3 tablespoons of oil is

Lunch Spice Salt Water ...

Tartar Dried with flour, margarine water and a little salt. About half of the dough is rolled out and a frying pan is added. Potatoes peel and cut thinly - preferably on food processes. The onions are cut and mixed with the potatoes and filled into the pie.

Mains Mango chutney Pepper Salt ...

Cut the slice into the tern and wrap them on a pan in oil together with squeezed garlic. When golden, add the chicken. When the chicken is cooked, add the curry paste, approx. A big spit, but it depends on the strength you want. Stir the pasta well into the c

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Turn the chops in flour and sprinkle with peppers, salt and pepper. They roasted in the oil until they have become golden. Then put the chops in the dish. Turn on the oven at 200 ° C. The loaf is chopped and the bacon cut into pieces and swabbed in a saucepa

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

The onion is chopped and smoked in margarine until the onions are soft. (5) Add curry and stir around approx. 1 min. (4) Add chicken in strips or tern (5) - stir around and leave for a while and when the meat looks white, put on the porridge - stir for appro

Soups Pepper Salt White cabbage ...

Prepare the vegetables Put oil in a pan and put the onions in and switch them. Come on, and cook, and cabbage and carrots. Now it's done, get water and stir up mazina with water and put it in. Then a beef bubble. Finally, all the spices powdered. tips: It

Mains Basil, dried Pepper Salt ...

Pudding the pork tenderloin, cut into about 2 cm wide slices and squeeze a little together. These are browned on a pan and then put in an ovenproof dish so the bottom is covered. Season chopped onion and garlic on the pan, add the peeled tomatoes and taste

Lunch Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Plain yeast dough raises for 30 minutes. Split into a5 large or 10 smaller pieces, each rolling out to an elongated small plate. Then put the filling packed into small bread close to the ends. Filled: Brush the beef and chopped onion. Then salt, pepper, to