Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Throat and heart are cleansed, peeled and chopped. Sweat the bacon and hearts in the oil, add the onions and sweets. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Simmer until it's tender, approx. 1½ hours. The liver is blanched in plenty of boiling water, poure

Sides Groftkværnet pepper Salt Onion ...

Coriander seeds and cumin seeds are shaken on a dry forehead and bumped roughly into a killer. Tomatoes, sun dried tomato, onions and garlic blend into a pure. The oil is heated on a pan and the puree, spices, salt and pepper are boiled into a thick pasta. The

Mains Grated nutmeg, after owned desire Garlic Onion ...

Cook pasta & gt; & gt; Al dente & lt; & lt; Together with loose and white-haired. When the pasta is cooked, pour the water off and the onions are thrown away. Meanwhile, the butter is melted and the cracked cheese is brought in, along with the cream and the

Mains Basil, dried Oregano, dried Pepper ...

Lasagna: Carrots, onion and squash are chopped roughly. The beef is chopped brown in oil in a saucepan. Add all vegetables to chopped tomatoes (like with basil / oregano) and add purée. Let it simmer for a while. Put meat sauce and lasagna plates into la

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Warm the oil in a pan or a high frying pan. Season the onions until they are transparent and then brown the meat with the onions. Chop the peppers in fine strips, not too thin. Up in the forehead of the meat and peeled. The boiled potatoes are cut into pieces

Mains Milk Pepper Salt ...

Grate onions and carrots roughly on a grater. Bring onions and carrots in a bowl together with the farmer. Add salt, pepper, flour and milk and stir well. Add the egg and stir again until the mass is monotonous. The father must be shaped. Is the dad for solid

Mains Pepper Salt Kyllingbryster ...

Shake chicken and onions in the pan until brown. Then add mushroom and pepper and simmer for about 7 minutes. Then water and bouillon come with cubes and salt and pepper and soy sauce in the pot. Let it simmer until it's tender. Shake the almonds on a dry pa

Mains Pickled beetroot Potatoes Onion ...

The potatoes are peeled and boiled. The flakes are cooked on the forehead and the excess fat is poured continuously. Cut the onions in the tern and put them together with the flask. When the greasy fried fried and the onions are fried softly sprinkle wit