Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Cut all meat of pheasant and chicken. Incl fat but excl leather. Chop the meat roughly together with a spk. Of the edge arches. Make meatballs (small) of the dad, salt pepper, flour some milk and egg. Stir the dad well and let it rest for 1-2 hours. Then boil

Mains Bacon crunch Cajunmix (supermarket) Cream fine a big splash ...

Put all the ingredients in front and make sure you have a nice glass of wine to enjoy when preparing. Chop the onions. It does not have to be particularly nice. Heat the baking soda and mix some oil so that the temperature can be quite high. Sweat lie and

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Sweat the dad without fat until the meat separates. Karry Peppers Muskat Sugar Apples Pepper and onion add the sweets well with .tomatpureen Boulion dissolved in water and the cream poured and mixed well seasoned with salt and pepper. Let it simmer with lid fo

Mains Bacon (if one appears) Butter Onion ...

Cook the macaroni, drain it, hold it back in the pan and set it aside. In another large pot, fry very chopped onions in the butter until the peel is soft. Add flour and pepper quickly and add the milk, do not cling it! Whip well well and cook now until it

Mains Chili (preferably a quart of dried chili) Pepper Salt ...

Initial: It will be a fairly large amount of food. Therefore, remember to use a large pot, at least 5 L, or a large forehead like myself. Preparation: Onions, squash, eggplant and apples cut into the desired size. The carrots are torn. Whip the tomato pie

Cold cuts Small sprig Rosemary Small sprig Sage Large sprig thyme ...

Put the meat in a pan with all the spices. The loop is cut first in quarters. Get water so it covers. Let it simmer by the weakest heat until it is tender after approx. 1½ hours. Turn the meat along as it may stick to the bottom of the pan. Say the soup a

Sides Pepper Grated cheese Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Peel potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Cut mushrooms into thin slices and onions in rings. In a refractory dish lay a layer of potatoes. Mushrooms and onions are spread evenly over the layer and salt and pepper sprinkl

Mains Pepper Salt Magarine/butter ...

Cut the bacon into small strips and brown it in a saucepan, remove it and put it aside. Brown the chops one moment on each side until they get color and then remove them and put them in a large ovenproof dish, then lay the bacon down over / next to it. Cut