Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Oregano Eggs Lemon ...

Put the spinach in the refrigerator for thawing the day before or thaw it. Up in the microwave. Calf Carrots: Mix chopped veal with finely chopped onions, eggs, capers and chopped sardellas. Spice with pepper. Let the father rest while preparing the accesso

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

meatballs: Chop onion and garlic. Cut cornichones into small pieces and stir them in the meat together with the other ingredients. Melt butter on a forehead and shape fritters of the farmer. Fry the browns for approx. 2 min. On each side, turn to medium heat

Mains A little parsley Nykogte you Salt ...

Bring the water to a boil with a little salt and bay leaf. Bring the meat and foam froth until it starts to boil again. Turn down. Let the meat boil softly under the lid for 45 minutes. Keep the meat warm in the soup. Cut the onions in thin boats. Cut the a

Soups Thyme, porretop, parsley stem Celeriac Parsnip ...

Gain the vegetables and cut them into smaller pieces. Sprinkle the garlic head in the middle. Cut the gingerbread knife into thin slices. Cut it yellow from the lemon, cut it off and throw it away. Cut the lemon into slices. Bring calf broth, pepper and the pr

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Remove the fat from the kidneys and cut them into ½ cm thick slices. Brush them in butter and oil and then rise for a few minutes on each side. Pick up the kidneys and sprinkle them with peppers, salt and pepper. Keep them warm. Saute mushrooms and chopped

Mains A little grated horseradish Residues from vegetables Good olive oil ...

Poultry: Cook carefully under low 1 hour. Garnish: The white beans are soaked in water the day before. Onions, onions, fennel and celeriac are cut into the size of a small sugar kernel. Residues from herbs as well as all ingredients for chickpeas, boil and

Mains Deep-fried tops of celery. celery tops rinse in water and dried Friteres in oil at about 180 degrees c, until crisp and lightly golden Marjoram ...

Chest: Breast boil mildly in water, 2-3 hours added half of the cleansed herbs and a little salt. When the meat is taken up, cover it with baking paper and put it in pressure with a little moisture. The remaining herbs are browned on a pan and added to the rem

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Mushrooms and cut into smaller pieces. The arrow and chin went well. Melt margarine on a pan and sprinkle the onions. Turn up the heat, add the meat and brown it. Add the mushrooms and let them fry for a while. Season with salt and pepper. Pour broth on Stir t