Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Milk

Salads Tarragon Chervil Butter ...

Udvand herrings thoroughly in three hours. Place them so in milk for an hour. Cook kartoflerene. Chop the onions and sauté them in butter. Let them drain on kitchen paper. Julesalaten trim and cut it into strips. Pat herring dry sausage, and cut it into pieces

Cakes in form Coffee Cocoa Desiccated coconut ...

Sugar, flour, baking powder, vanilla and cocoa mix in a bowl. In a saucepan melt the margarine and mix the eggs and milk. When everything is ready, mix the contents of the pan into the bowl and pour out on baking pan that plugs into the 190-degree heating oven

Cakes in form Baking powder Cacao Desiccated coconut ...

Fat and sugar is stirred together. The fat must be softened for consistency as mayonnaise, and then add the eggs one at a time, and finally mix the flour and the other ingredients in, and it all touched to a uniform mass. Pour into a greased and floured the

Cakes in form Raisins Cardamom Salt ...

Melt the margarine and udrør the yeast in it. Add the remaining ingredients and knead the dough well. Be made to withdraw to double size. Take half the dough and line the bottom of a roasting pan with it. Butter cake cream and pour over raisins. Take the

Cakes in form Milk Almond essence Baking soda ...

The fat is melted and stirred with sugar. Add the eggs one at a time, and whip it fluffy. Sieve and stir in the flour and baking powder together with milk, almond essence and the chopped nuts and almonds. The batter is poured into a small buttered baking pan o

Cakes in form Lemon juice thereof Lemon grated to thereof Desiccated coconut ...

For the dough, beat the eggs for a thick egg with sugar snaps, and therein be complied with the melted butter, but the afsvalede, together with the milk and butter vanillesukkeret. When this is touched in the batter, mix the flour, baking powder, desiccated co

Cakes in form Boiling strong coffee Milk Icing sugar ...

The butter is whipped with sugar in it blødet the whole eggs. Mix the cocoa and flour with baking powder and vanilla sugar must be touched in with a spoon along with milk and the boiling coffee. The dough is distributed in a very well oiled baking pan, ca. 35x

Cakes in form Chocolate Milk Baking soda ...

Everything is stirred together and bake at 200 ° in 20-25 my.