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Recipes with Hot chilli sauce

Mains Hot chilli sauce Cumin seeds Chicken ...

Cut bacon slices into smaller pieces and grate them crisp in a pan take them up, pour the oil into the pan. Party chicken into 8 pieces. Dry the chicken pieces well with paper towel and fry them on all pages in the fat in 15 min. While the chicken FRY: c

Mains Pepper Salt Oatmeal ...

Meatballs Onion peeled and half-torn. The meat is mixed with all the ingredients for the stuffing. Forcemeat made in refrigerator and pulls 30 – 60 minutes. Water and salt boils up. The meatballs are shaped with a teaspoon and place in the boiling water. The d

Soups Oil Fresh chopped cilantro Leek ...

The mushrooms cut into thin slices. Leek cut into strips and FRY in pan in oil. Broth and chili sauce is added. The soup gets a rehash. Chicken breast cut into thin strips and place in the soup. Cooked with in 3 minutes. Noodles and cilantro are added and t

Mains A little finely chopped red chilli Butter Hot chilli sauce ...

Meat: Tag kålbladene and cut the stalk off. Got them in boiling salted water and then cook them almost tender. Take them up and cool them down quickly in ice water. Baste them accordingly. Father: getting the meat in a large bowl and stir in the cool with s