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Recipes with Feta cheese

Salads Pepper Salt Water ...

The beans nippes and boil in salted water for 4-5 minutes, until tender but still has bite. Let them afdryppe in a sieve. Chop the onion and garlic and fry them in the oil for 2 min. Add beans, tabasco, chopped parsley and water. Let the salad simmer for 3 min

Salads Oil and vinegar dressing Sliced bacon Feta cheese ...

Mix beans, feta cheese and peanuts. Pour the dressing over the salad, let pull a quarter of an hour and serve with crispy fried bacon and lune flute

Lunch Wild parsley Eggs Filo dough ...

MAS Feta cheese with a fork – add 1 egg and chopped parsley and mix it well. Place a layer of dough on a flat surface. Cover it with a damp cloth. Cut the Filodejen in 3 equal pieces lengthwise. Tag 2 layers of dough, and place a teaspoon of the cheese-parsley

Receptions Feta cheese Olive Sausages ...

Small cubes of sausage with garlic, in between olive and small pieces of feta cheese. It is good as a snack or for drinks

Mains Garlic -beef broth Oil ...

Veal roast: Veal calf lump or Sirloin omvindes with bacon and laced. Brown in a pan and seasoned with salt and pepper. Add bouillon and calf some gruel is 2-3 hours. Potatoes: Potatoes peeled and cut in both the lengthwise. They pour into a heat-proof dish

Mains Fig chutney For dinner served 1 kg potatoes instead of bread Accessories ...

Ask the butcher cut ham roast of pork without culotte and mignon. RIDs the rind down to meat with ½ CM's space-avoid scratching in the flesh. Have the butcher scratched the roast, so go the after, sometimes ridsningen not deep enough. Be careful to get salt be

Mains Cooked basmati rice Pepper Salt ...

Tenderloin cut into small patties and Brown in oil. Be in a heat-proof platter. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Spread over pineapple juice from the can and pour over tenderloin. Bladsellerien cleaned and chop into slices and spread over. Black olive spread ove

Salads Oil-vinegar dressing Lettuce leaves Tomatoes ...

You cover barrels with lettuce leaves. After cleaning the tomatoes cuts you them in boats, cut onions in both and distribute them out on drums. Eventually you put feta over. Good appetite Tips: Serve with French bread.