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Mains recipes

Mains Pheasants Onion Cocktail sausages ...

The cabbage is boiled in water and pressed and placed in a saucepan and mixed with the sliced ​​onions and spices. The pheasants are well browned in soft brown and laid to the cabbage. Under the lid they are slowly steamed. Then cut them into suitable pieces,

Mains The 3. Spice A little butter Some leaves fresh basil ...

Clean the quails for remaining feathers and rinse out and inside. Then the filling is prepared. Parsley, basil, onion, garlic, and half chicken bouillon chopped well, like in the food processor. The mixture is filled in the quails. In a steamer, butter an

Mains Ben and hull from pheasants Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Marinade: Chop the mustots and mix with olive oil, white wine, wine grains and freshly ground peppers in a small dish that can even hold the pineapples. Turn the pineapples into marinade and spread them in the dish so they are covered with marinade, cool fo

Mains Duck fat or clarified butter Butter Soup may ...

Cut the pineapples off, but leave the meat on the breastbone. Then divide the pheasant in the back, upper and lower thighs. Cut the meat from the ear and cut it into strips. Enrich the herbs for the fund. Cut the herbs roughly and brown in a thickened pot t

Mains Groftmalet pepper A little dried thyme Leek cut into fine strips ...

The chicken is divided into 4 parts and draws in a cold place with the battered marinade for several hours. Then brown in butter and fry with some of the marinade plus a little chicken broth and slices under low approx. 30 min. Serve with ice-cream, boil

Mains Pepper Campeblls concentrated cons omme (beef broth) Peaches ...

Mix the flour with the spices and turn the chicken into 6-7 parts. In browned butter they are stewed in a saucepan and gradually put into a refractory dish. The almonds are light brown in the butter and poured over the chicken pieces. The peaches are dripping

Mains EVS. a little, 1 tskf. paprika EVS. a little, only Cut parsley ...

Everything is mixed in the marinade. The chicken is divided into 4 pieces and draws in the marinade for couple of hours in a cold place. Now chop the onions and mix with the rice and both light dishes in butter in a saucepan until it is slightly light brow

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

Possibly. Obstruction or tendons are removed and the meat is placed in the battered marinade for 3-4 hours. Take wipers and brunes in a pan in butter. Small stakes under low 20-25 min. Depending on thickness. Brush tenderloin and onions in a little butte