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Wheels bread with raisins

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1

Ingredients for Wheels bread with raisins

250gWheat flour
3tspBaking soda
50gButter or margarine

Instructions for Wheels bread with raisins

To prepare the Wheels bread with raisins recipe, please follow these instructions:

Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl and rub the fat into the mixture, is gritty. Add sugar and raisins and milk. Assemble it into a dough. Knead it lightly on a floured and roll it out easily. Form it into a round cake, about 20 cm in diameter. Cut 8 deep grooves in the dough from the Center. However, without cutting through. It must look like spokes in a wheel. Brush the bread with milk and behind the wheel in a 200 ° hot oven in 15-20 minutes, the bread is browned. Let it cool on the baking stone. The bread is broken into pieces and eaten warm with butter