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Sarma (Turkish grape leaf rolls)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 portion(s)

Ingredients for Sarma (Turkish grape leaf rolls)

10dlOlive oil
1000gMinced beef
2Large glass grape leaves (purchased from the Arab grocery store on kongens nytorv)
2canTomato pasta

Instructions for Sarma (Turkish grape leaf rolls)

To prepare the Sarma (Turkish grape leaf rolls) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Put 1 kg. meat in a bowl. Chop the onions and put them down in the flesh. Chop the parsley and also put it in the bowl with the meat and onions. Com 1 can tomato paste in and half of the olive oil. Wash the rice thoroughly before you put them in the bowl. Mix everything together with your hands. Put a little of the meat mixture on top of grape leaves, roll them and put them in a pan. Mix 1 can of tomato paste with the rest of the oil and pour it over. Then pour boiling water on to it just covers. Simmer in 1/2 time. The rollers are placed on a platter, and garnish with lemon oil onto slices.