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Roast beef with ravigottedressing and salad

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 10

Ingredients for Roast beef with ravigottedressing and salad

Freshly ground pepper
½lSour cream 18%
1tbspCoarse salt
kgRoast beef beef topside
150gSmall fresh spinach leaves
2dlWhipped cream
2lLettuce torn into rough pieces, e.g. Romaine and iceberg lettuce (ca. 375 g)
200gFrozen, thawed extra fine peas
kgMedium-sized potatoes, such as bintje

Instructions for Roast beef with ravigottedressing and salad

To prepare the Roast beef with ravigottedressing and salad recipe, please follow these instructions:

Roast beef: Time for meat: Ca. 45 minutes at 175 °.
Brown the meat on all sides in butter in a frying pan Golden-approx. 3 min. total. Put the meat in a small roasting pan, and set if necessary. a thermometer in the side of the roast. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Boil the pan of water and pour it in the flesh.

Rose in the middle of the oven. Goal stegens core temperature after approx. ½ hour-it must be 55 ° (rosa). Increased if necessary. the meat is finished and take it out of the oven. Let the roast rest uncovered for about ½ hour. Turn up the oven to 250 °.

Baked potatoes: potatoes for baking time: approx. ½ hour at 250 degrees.

Bring the while water and salt to a boil in a large pot.

Scrub the potatoes well and boil them in water for approx. 5 min. drain and benefit the potatoes on a plate with wax paper.

Bake the potatoes in the middle of the oven while the roast rests.

Ravigottedressing: Turn sour cream, ravigottesauce, salt and pepper together.

Whip the cream to a light foam, and turn it gently into the mix. Let the dressing drag uncovered in the refrigerator for at least ½ hour. Season to taste. Serve spinach, lettuce and peas on a serving plate.