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Profiteroles-like Grandma made them

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Profiteroles-like Grandma made them

0.25Vanilla pod
100gWheat flour
2.5tspCorn flour cornstarch

Instructions for Profiteroles-like Grandma made them

To prepare the Profiteroles-like Grandma made them recipe, please follow these instructions:

Dough: Bring water and fat to a boil. Add the flour all at once and stir krafitigt until the dough is baked together. Set it to cool. Whisk the eggs together and add them a little at a time. Pipe the dough in between, it should be quite fast. Set it on a greased plate with two spoons. Baking time 35-45 minutes at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. There should not be opened for the first 25 minutes, the oven when water bakkelserne can coincide. When you think water bakkelserne is baked, take one of them out of the oven. If the baking time will be longer, must coincide.

Cake cream: whisk the whole eggs well with sugar and whisk the flour in. Mix it with the cold milk and split open the vanilla. Bring the cream Cook, whipping, and let it boil well through. Stir in the cream during cooling. Cake cream can add lemon or orange juice, wine, chopped almonds or nuts, raisins or similar. A little whipped cream in cake cream makes it more easy and delicious.

Even can I best like to mix cake cream with coffee. If you do not want to make cake cream, one can also just mix the whipped cream with a little coffee or similar. I usually also do a coffee-glaze where I make an ordinary glaze, but put a little coffee in instead of water.

This recipe is from my grandmother's Cookbook (from a long time ago) it's called "Miss J's Cookbook"