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Pan fried beef in roaster

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Pan fried beef in roaster

Lemon juice. freshly squeezed
Wheat flour
1.5dlRed wine. meat
750gBeef. topside. raw

Instructions for Pan fried beef in roaster

To prepare the Pan fried beef in roaster recipe, please follow these instructions:

Rub the meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Put it in the gennemfugtede roaster.

Make leek, carrots and celery in a position and findel them. Put them next to the meat.

Chop the onion coarsely and peel the tomatoes before they cut into quarters. Canned tomatoes can very well be used. Got them by the meat.

Pour the red wine over and put butter in dabs on the flesh. Put the lid on and cook the meat about 1 ΒΌ hour at 250 degrees c. alm. oven.

Connector may be damaged. a thermometer in the middle of the meat, so there can be read, how many degrees it has inside. The meat done, should the thermometer show the 68 degrees. The Red interior is desired, it should only be 60 degrees hot.

Smooth if necessary. the cloud quite a bit with flour and color it with colour. However, it is not necessary.

The Court may well be eaten with sauce.

Server chips.