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Nutmeg cakes

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 100 pcs

Ingredients for Nutmeg cakes

Tesukker or sugar
1Egg yolk
1tspPowdered Mace
200gButter or margarine
50gWheat flour

Instructions for Nutmeg cakes

To prepare the Nutmeg cakes recipe, please follow these instructions:

All the ingredients thoroughly kneaded together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have a firm texture.

The dough is divided into 3 equal parts, each of which rolled into sausage shape ca. 25 cm. long, and rolled in tesukker, or sugar. Pieces of dough is placed in a cold place, preferably in a refrigerator, for they have been fixed, so that they can be cut out for cakes without losing the round shape. Each cake about ¾ cm. thick. Be placed on 3 plates.

Bake in the oven at 200 degrees C for Groove Middle ca. 8 minutes. The oven must have the right temperature from the start.

The cakes should be taken of the plate immediately after baking, since the or will hang in the plate and go by removal.
