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Hvidkåls gratin

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 portion(s)

Ingredients for Hvidkåls gratin

1000gHvidkaal (1 small hvidkaalshoved)
3dlWhole milk
40gButter or margarine
75gWheat flour

Instructions for Hvidkåls gratin

To prepare the Hvidkåls gratin recipe, please follow these instructions:

Hvidkaalen boiled until tender in salted water. The flour is mixed with milk to a Jævning that is cooked well through still Whipping. Butter irøres. The pot is taken by the fire, and they together beaten eggs, Salt and Pepper are added. Finally mix in it the pieces or chopped Hvidkaal. A Gratinfad lubricated well and bestrøs with a little sifted bread crumbs. Dejgen filled in, and a little bread crumbs sprinkled over. Bake in water bath at even heat about 1 hour.

Other vegetables, for example. Blomkaal, Meat, Fish, or other Fillings can be used instead of Hvidkaal.