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Horn with fill

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Horn with fill

dlWhole milk
250gButter or margarine
500gWheat flour

Instructions for Horn with fill

To prepare the Horn with fill recipe, please follow these instructions:

Tørdelene sieve. The milk is heated to 30 degrees, the yeast is mixed in a little of this, the fat is melted in the rest of the milk. All kneaded lightly, and are covered with a lid or damp cloth to withdraw approximately 1 hour.

When the dough is raised kneaded it and shared, and half are deployed in circular plate, which is in turn divided into 12 triangles. These together rolled from the widest side, so that the fingertips when the horns are made on a greased plate is underlined. Krummes little horns. Efterterhæves, swabbed and bake for about 15 minutes.

Horn can bestrøs with coarse sugar, as well as in the horns, as they rolled along an activity by the dough can sveskemos or makrondej.