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Fairy cakes

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 16 pcs

Ingredients for Fairy cakes

1Egg yolk
100gWheat flour
100gButter or margarine

Instructions for Fairy cakes

To prepare the Fairy cakes recipe, please follow these instructions:

For profiteroles met water, sugar and fat in a saucepan. Boil up and add the flour. The dough is stirred together with a spoon. Moved from the heat. Cool off a bit in the whole egg is stirred/whipped in.

To mørdejen chopped ingredients well together, knead and place in a cool place.

Dough for water bakkelserne distributed with two eating spoons on a well oiled plate. Mørdejen rolled out into a thin surface. Set to approx. 6-7 cm. large medals, placed over the vandbakkelsdejen and pressed firmly on this.

Bake at 225 degrees C for about 20 minutes.

When the cakes are cool, cut a lid of. Whipped cream flavored with a little sugar is filled into the lid is placed again, and pasties. sprinkled with sieved icing.
