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Delicious airy muffins

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 12 pcs

Ingredients for Delicious airy muffins

1tspBaking soda
2tspVanilla sugar
2.5dlWheat flour

Instructions for Delicious airy muffins

To prepare the Delicious airy muffins recipe, please follow these instructions:

Milk and butter are heated to melt, but do not boil!

Eggs and sugar are whipped in a firm hand, then mix the remaining ingredients in. All stir together and finally add the warm mixture of milk and butter.

Pour into muffin molds and baked in preheated oven 200gr. For 15-20 minutes.

Add 50 gr. Dark chocolate to make them more exciting. 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder can be added to a small portion of the dough and placed as a small button in the top of the white muffin pie when in the molds, thereby bringing chocolate into the middle of the delicious muffin.