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Cinnamon Snails VII

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 20 pcs

Ingredients for Cinnamon Snails VII

0.5tspCardamom (optional)
1Together the beaten egg
250gWheat flour
50gLiquid becel

Instructions for Cinnamon Snails VII

To prepare the Cinnamon Snails VII recipe, please follow these instructions:

Warm milk until it is hand warm, add the yeast and stir until it is dissolved. Com salt, sugar, cardamom, eggs and becel in, stir thoroughly. Came in to flour the dough is not sticky, customize, not dry. The dough should raise in 30 minutes in while switching on the oven at 225 degrees and the stuffing is stirred together in a bowl. The raised dough is stirred to a rectangular plate, it must be as thin as possible. Filling the loyalty and the plate is rolled together, like a Swiss roll, then cut it into thin slices, about 1 cm thick. Slugs placed on the plate, press lightly and "snippen" pressed snugly so they do not go up when the raises in the oven. Bake 15 minutes in the middle of the oven, keep an eye out for the doesn't get too dark.