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Cinnamon gifler

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 12 pcs

Ingredients for Cinnamon gifler

Icing sugar
100gButter or margarine
2tspBaking soda
250gWheat flour
6tbspMixed cinnamon sugar (sugar/cinnamon)

Instructions for Cinnamon gifler

To prepare the Cinnamon gifler recipe, please follow these instructions:

Mix the flour, baking powder and sugar. Crumble the fat in the milk and mix in and collect the dough.

Share evt. the dough and roll it out. Cut it out in a little long triangles and joined a good dollop of cinnamon butter on the wide end.

Roll the triangle together-pressure if necessary. a little about filling in the "first scroll". Put the horns with the tip downwards so that they do not roll up.

Brush with egg. Baking time about 15 minutes at 200 degrees c. alm. oven.

Decorating with icing, but it can be omitted