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Arabic cake (esh esaraya)

Desserts (cold)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 12

Ingredients for Arabic cake (esh esaraya)

Crushed pistachio nuts or coconut
0.5bagToast (borderless)
1lWhole milk
5dlWhipped cream

Instructions for Arabic cake (esh esaraya)

To prepare the Arabic cake (esh esaraya) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Remove the edges of the toast and shake them. Bring so many toast in the bottom of a large pan until they fill the entire bottom.

Bring the sugar into a saucepan, stir for 2 minutes at high temperature and then add water. Let it boil while stirring until the mass has a golden brown caramel color.

Pour the finished caramel paste over the toast and place it on the fridge.

Bring milk and whipped cream in a bowl. Carefully seal the flour into the mixture while whipping heavily.

Bring the mixture into a saucepan at high temperature and whip it until it has obtained a creamy consistency.

The finished cream mass poured over the caramelized toast bottom and put to a boil until it has become cold and solid.

You decide if you want to sprinkle crushed pistachio nuts / coconut on the cake before placing it on the fridge.

Shelf life 2-3 days in refrigerator.

- Remember to remove the edges on the toast and shake them well (the harder the better) - The caramel mass need neither be too solid nor for the water (a middle tension) - Do not be surprised at all the caramel water at the bottom of the forehead when You must take a piece of the finished chilled cake. It is proof that it is made right;)