Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wiener sausages

Mains Mozarella cheese Chili Peeled tomatoes ...

Cut the sausages into the tern and chop the onions nicely. Sweat onion and sausages. Add 1 tuna tomato sauce and 1 raw chilli, simmer the dish. When the dish has simmered for about 10 minutes add a can of peeled tomatoes. Let the dish boil and then add t

Lunch Egg for brushing Poppy seeds Red bell pepper ...

Melt the margarine and mix it with water. Pour it into a bowl. Stir yeast, egg, salt and sugar. Eaten flour and knead the dough well. Roll it out to a circle and divide it into 8 triangles. Roll them to the horns and put them on the plate. Let them rise for 15

Lunch Egg for brushing Sweet mustard Eggs ...

Water and yeast are stirred together. The food is crumbled in the flour. Water, ymer, egg and salt are added and the dough is well kneaded. Set for lifting a tight spot for approx. 30 minutes. The dough is thrown down and divided into two. Rolled out in two

Mains Burger buns Div. dressing Lettuce to burger ...

Recipe: Flake bacon - Get a steak so you can close the bacon all the way around. Form them as they are a little bit elongated. Take a sausage, cut it so you have both ends with about 1½cm sausage, cut a piece of the middle and then cut one end of it, so you ha

Mains 1 dl. vegetable stock Bay leaf Oregano ...

Remember: Use dried beans, they must first soaked and cooked. Follow the instructions on the bag. Slice the mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes and sausage into slices. Fry the bacon in a pan. Before the bacon is fried, add the sliced sausages, finished as FRY

Mains Pepper Salt Corn starch ...

1. cook spaghetti until tender on the instructions on the package. drain, let it drip and pour it with cold water. 2. cut the sausages into thin slices and finely chop the onion. 3. grill the sausages in a pan and gently fry the onions came by for a further

Mains Curry Large pot full of potatoes Onion ...

You peel a large pan of potatoes and put them to cook in lightly salted water. The sausages cut into slices, and fry a little on the forehead. The onions chopped fine. (must remain raw) When everything is done, and the potatoes are cooked, mix the finished

Lunch Tomato ketchup Water Ymer ...

Water and yeast stirred together, crumble the margarine into flour, water with yeast, ymer, 1æg, salt and onions added. Knead the dough well. Let the draw in 30 min. Dough into 2 and roll out into 2 circles each of which is split into 8 triangles. ½ TSP. ketch