Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Veal breast without bone

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little coarsely ground pepper Salt ...

Peel and chop onion and carrot into slices. Put them lightly on a pan and pour them into a large ovenproof dish. The veal meat is also browned on the forehead, then put it down to the vegetables. Season with salt, pepper and thyme. The pan is boiled with a lit

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Arrow and heel loosened. Stir the chopped meat to the father with onion, egg and whipped cream. Crush the pink peppercorns and peel the pepper in the tern. Bring it to the dad with parsley, salt and pepper. Cut a deep pocket in the calf chest. Sprinkle the mea