Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vanilla pod, split

Desserts (cold) White pepper (6-8 laps on a good pepper grinder) Juice from one and should be from 2 limes Fine salt ...

Whip egg yolks with salt, pepper and half of the sugar. Bring the coconut milk to the boil with glue shale, coconut sprouts and 1/3 spoon vanilla. Pour it over the egg bubbles while stirring. Pour the mixture back into the pan and warm up until the egg blemish

Desserts (cold) Juice from one and should be from 2 limes Fine white pepper (6-8 laps on a good pepper grinder) Freshly grated coconut ...

Beat the egg yolks with salt, pepper and half of the sugar. Bring coconut milk to a boil with lime zest, grated coconut and 1/3 split vanilla pod. Pour it over the egg yolks stirring. Pour the mixture back into the Pan and warm up to the egg yolks to the mixtu