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Recipes with Thin slices of parma ham

Mains Basil Pepper Salad ...

The wood chips are put in water to avoid burning on the grill. Turn the hammer with oil, cumin, finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Put the meat in the refrigerator and let it marinate for at least 30 minutes - longer but no more than 12 hours. Cut t

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Fold the parma ham around the salmon and brush with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Pour the fish in a hot oven at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven for 20 minutes. Peel the potatoes and cut them in both, dry them if necessary. Put in a dish and put

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Pour the chops lightly with flat hand. Then wrap them in the eggshell and finally into the raspberries. Season with salt and pepper and let them rest for 5 minutes. Heat the butter golden on the forehead and peel the chops a couple of minutes on each side. Put

Appetizers Garlic Olive oil Parmesan cheese ...

The spinach tøes up and twisted/pressed free of water. Spinach and cream mixed together. A dollop of spinach-stuffed placed on each slice of parma ham. The ham rolled around the filling. rollers put in ovenproof dish. Crushed garlic mixed with oil poured over

Mains A little flat-leaf parsley Olive oil Pepper ...

Put poussinerne on a cutting board and fill them with finely chopped parsley, garlic, salt and pepper. Brush them with oil and cook them on the now-warm grill. Turn them frequently so they don't get burnt. Grill them about 30 minutes total. tune them up and le

Lunch Fresh squeezed garlic Rocket Arugula leaves ...

3 parts red wine, 1 part red balsamic vinegar, 1 part olive oil, tomato puree, 1 part 2 parts powdered sugar and fresh squeezed garlic mix and stir well. Put Arugula leaves in, for the marinade no longer covers. On a plate be marinated arugula, 3-4 honey-melon