Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sweet chilli powder

Mains Cayenne Pepper (a little!) Garlic pepper Spices (all at will) ...

Mix all ingredients. Let the dad stand in the fridge in the fridge for 4-5 hours so it can draw flavor (can be omitted) Shape then lump the dad to small "sausages" and rise at first high heat, then screw down and leave them until they have passed. Server wit

Mains Turmeric Cumin powder Coriander ...

Com meat, onion, garlic, sweet chilli powder, salt, turmeric and oil in a frying pan with 250 ml. water. Let Cook for about 20 minutes when the water is cooked away, be complied with tomato and Ginger Must then stir in ca.. 10-15 min. Came to the last black pe