Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Shrimp aftertaste

Mains A little oil Mussels after taste Pasta/pizza spice ...

The pasta is boiled tenderly. Pears, onions and carrots are easily swirled in oil. The pasta is divided into a pie form, the vegetables are distributed as well as tuna prawns and mussels. The egg whites are whipped with spices and poured over the pie. Bake in

Soups A good knob of butter Wheat flour Curry ...

Cut the spring bulbs into thin slices. Come and have a good bowl of butter, turn the curry into the pot and come in the spring bulbs. Then you pour the meal in a sauce, as it were, in a sauce. Add the 6 dl of water with fish bullion and milk. Then the remaini