Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Semi-skimmed milk/whole milk

Mains BUKO piquant cheese Chili-oatmeal marinede ham Karfofler ...

Buy the steps and follow the procedure shown on the package mashed potatoes: 1000 grams of potatoes, 1 dl Milk 10 grams of butter Salt and pepper as needed Turn 100-150gr piquant cheese in. possibly. With lemon tomatoes and fried bacon.

Mains Use what you have of vegetables Orengano Pepper ...

butter a casserole dish with margarine, came the sliced cabbage in the bottom, came the vegetables on top. Then kødsovsen and the sliced potatoes. put it all in the layers as a lagsange, and finally finish with bachmel sauce. You can strew a little bread crumb