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Recipes with SCAMPI

Mains Flat-leaf parsley for garnish Pepper Salt ...

The mussels are cleaned, rinsed and freed from beard. Mussels that are open, discarded at this stage. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil and fry the mussels map herein. Add white wine, cook up and place the scampi in. Style Pan uncovered aside and let it soak. Heat the

Mains Ginger powder Pineapple juice Vinegar ...

The flour is stirred into the pineapple juice is fortified with soy sauce, honey, vinegar, and ginger. Let the sauce thicken over low heat, stirring constantly. Pineapple slices cut into smaller pieces. Put on a skewer, alternating with scampihalerne. Brushed

Appetizers A little flat-leaf parsley Oil or frying fat to udbagning Pepper ...

The detoxified scampi sprinkled in flour. Oil or frying fat is heated in large saucepan. The eggs are beaten together with a little salt and pepper. Lemons are washed and cut into both. Turn the scampierne into the egg mixture, and let it drain away. Put them