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Recipes with Medium-sized ripe tomatoes

Sauces Fresh basil Pepper Salt ...

Start putting tomatoes into boiling water until they are slightly wrinkled, making it very easy to remove kernels and skins. Remove the kernels and skin and chop them roughly and lay them in a bowl. Stew whitelove in olive oil Do not burn whitewash or otherwis

Salads Olive oil Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

The salad: boil on the instructions on the package, the Bulguren method may vary slightly, but as a rule of thumb, use 2 parts unboiled bulgur to 3 parts water. Boil for ten minutes and then stand with lid and pulling in 10 min. Chop tomatoes coarsely. Chop th

Salads Pepper Salt Heavy dark green Basil ...

You can either apply mortar or blender. In the mortar will be pesto sauce a little tastier, because the ingredients are not being too finely ground, on the other hand, it goes very fast with the blender. If you are using mortar, starts to crush the garlic, whi