Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mature advokadoer

Buffets Well 1 kg. pig liver El. like calf's liver Pepper Salt ...

Liver, fried onions, garlic, bacon and mushrooms chopped through a meat chop, preferably 2 times. It's all poured into a food processor, where it mixes thoroughly, let the machine "run" for 5-6 minutes. The finished dough is poured into suitable molds. It mus

Appetizers Chilli Garlic Lime juice ...

Chilli and garlic cleaned and chopped. Adhesive skralles. Gently! None of the "white", as it is bitert. Advokadoerne is split into two, the innards removed and Diana to mush. Shrimp, lime, chilli, garlic and spices fried until the water from the shrimp are gon