Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Horseradish, planed

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

The meat is knocked out. The egg is whipped with 2 teaspoons. water. The meat is turned into the egg and then in raspberries. The meat is boiled in butter for 4 to 6 minutes. on every side. Place the meat on a hot dish and decorate with 1 teaspoon. Capers,

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Oil Pepper ...

The salmon fillets are rinsed and dried dry. Season with salt and pepper and stir the fish in oil and butter, 2-3 min. on every side. The paws are cut into 6-8 cm spelled and blanched shortly in lets-swollen water. Onions and apples are cut into the tern an

Mains Pepper Horseradish, planed Salt ...

Thighs seasoned bacon into strips and Brown. Turn the sliced onions, chicken liver and thighs in and FRY. Put groftsnittet cabbage over and fill halfway with water and let the Court cook at low heat for 40 minutes. Taste good and sprinkle with planed hor