Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Ham småkød

Mains Grated cheese Tomato puree Curry ...

The ham is cut into a 2x2 cm tern, brown in the butter. Sprinkle with the flour to be soaked. Curry and peppers are added together with water, tomato paste and salt. It is braised under low until the meat is slightly tender. About 20 min. The whipped cream is

Mains Squash Dried chili Chopped tomatoes ...

Brown meat in oil with onion. Bell pepper and squash cut into small cubes, leek into thin slices and Add. Chili, and peder blend in and finally the tomatoes and water. Let it boil, covered, on low heat in cost. 45 min. Smooth mixture with marizena and season w

Mains Butter Small average cabbage Smoked bacon ...

Give and bacon Sauté in butter. Add 1 ½ dl. Water. Potatoes and carrots cut into slices and added with white cabbage. Let the Court cook at low heat for an hour. That is not seasoned with salt, when bacon first natural salter Court. Tips: Sønderjysk local

Mains A little milk or cream Pepper Eggs ...

Start with chopping/blending onion and celery. mix it with pork, egg, salt/pepper and bacon which is cut into thin strips. Add the milk or cream, stirring until you have a firm mixture. Style forcemeat cold for an hour about Form small balls of stuffing with a

Mains Butter Average small cabbage Smoked bacon ...

The meat is cut into chunks and FRY in butter. Add 1 1/2 dl water. White cabbage chop. Potatoes and carrots cut into slices and place with white cabbage in the flesh. The right cooker at low heat for an hour. There not seasoned with salt, since the flesh natur