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Recipes with Ham sausage meat

Mains Extra virgin olive oil Marjoram Pepper ...

Onions are cut into pieces and welded on the forehead. Hamkefars is added with spices and lighted easily. Flaked tomatoes and tomato puree are added to the dish. Let it simmer a little. Butter is melted in a saucepan and flour is whipped in it. Then broth i

Mains Fat from the meatloaf Potato water or cold water Pepper ...

Meatloaf: FRY bacon (diced) in the Pan, so it is crisp. boiled water and put grønsagsboullionterningen in, stir with a fork until it is dissolved. blendt onions and eggs together. mix all ingredients together (use also the fat from the bacon you've done, it gi

Mains Sour cream Dijon mustard Garlic ...

Forcemeat is stirred with sherry, finely chopped onion, nuts, eggs, bread crumbs and salt and pepper to taste. The apples cut into narrow boats. Butter a small refractory with oil and "build" a kind of lasagna, by switching between layers of sausage meat an