Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Fresh or frozen peas

Sides Salt Sugar Head lettuce ...

Cut bacon into 1 cm of tern. Bring them to a microwave oven bowl (1-1½ liter). 2. Tire with lid or microfilm. Microwave at 900 W microwaves for 2 min. Or until bacon has become crisp .. Add the onions. Tires with lid or microfilm. Microwave at 900 W microwaves

Mains Pepper Salt Brocolli head ...

Knock the asparagus down at the end and rinse them. Cut them out, with approx. 1 cm of sickness. Clean the brocolli head and cut them into small pieces so they are easy to chew on. Cut the half sguash, in small tern. Turn on a pan and put some oil on. When

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

cut the meat into neat stykkerog turn them in flour mixed with salt and coarse-ground pepper and knustenebær. Brown meat in butter in a frying pan and add the big carrot cubes and thick potato writes. Pour broth and tomato juice and let the pot boil, covere

Mains Apples Cayenne pepper Fresh spinach ...

Chicken cooked with the meat removed. The tamper-proof, and the meat is added to the draining. Cocoa powder, chilli, salt, pepper and, if desired. garlic powder in a grydes and lunes with oil. Chicken pieces reversed therein and FRY crisp. The salad cut and mi