Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Danish Strawberry

Desserts (cold) Grand Marnier Rod real oatmeal Oranges ...

Cut strawberries in halves or quarters. Put them in a bowl and pour grand marnier over. Grate the peel of an orange over the strawberries, and squeeze the juice of both oranges more. Let the strawberries and pull the 1 ½ hour. Put the strawberries in the servi

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Finely chopped fresh mint Concentrated elderflower juice ...

Rinse the strawberries, nip stem of and share the large strawberries into quarters. Beat vanillekornene, finely chopped Mint, juice and water well. Let the strawberries and pull the sheet for at least half an hour. Server berries naturel or with a bullet ice o