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Recipes with Chopped pig

Mains Ground allspice Ground pepper Eggs ...

Grind the loaf and pour it golden in the butter. Mix with all the other ingredients. Roll to small balls and fry on the forehead. Take all the meatballs off the forehead when finished Shake 1 tablespoon flour on the forehead and pour 2 1/2 cream i. Color wi

Mains Paprika 2 tsp Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Combine meat, cheese, ham in a bowl and mix well with your hand. The stirred father is shaped into round steaks and pressed flat (about 1 1/2 inch thick). Beat the steaks a little with water and then turn into the rasp. Roasted in oil. tips: Since

Mains Chili Pepper Salt ...

all the ingredients are mixed well together and pulls the ½ hour. form forcemeat as sausages on 10 cm. fried on the grill, grill pan or alm pan in olive oil. Tips: serve with crunchy salad and ajvar, kartofffelbåde