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Stuffed Grilled trout a'la EUC Syd

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Stuffed Grilled trout a'la EUC Syd

Fresh thyme
½lFish stock
2tbspMinced parsley
4pcsIngrid marie apples
4dl3 dl whipping cream. for the sauce
750gSea trout

Instructions for Stuffed Grilled trout a'la EUC Syd

To prepare the Stuffed Grilled trout a'la EUC Syd recipe, please follow these instructions:

The trout vakses and cut into appropriate pieces. In the trout cut that small pockets, and they are filled with mushrooms and shallots, which is cut into small cubes and fried in butter. Trout grilled now in butter.

Thyme apples: Apples peeled and cut in both. There will be approximately 8 both of each Apple. Melt the butter in the pan until it is golden. Fresh thyme and the apples Brown and mørnes quickly in the pan.

Chestnut purée: cutting a cross through the shell at golsad which is put into a hot oven to 200 shell separa. Arrow them and cook them until tender. The blended or sis. Add a little whipping cream and season with salt and a little sugar if necessary.

Potato pancakes: Potatoes peeled and grated on the coarse side of the tear the iron. The onion peeled and cut into small cubes. Potatoes, onions, parsley, salt and pepper mix. Forcemeat is shaped like small pancakes-this is done most easily by hand-approx 8 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick. FRY until they are golden brown in the pan. Placed on fat sucking paper.

Ingrid Marie sauce: Fish Fund and apples are cooked up until the apples are tender. It blended, and cream and lemon juice are added. Season with salt, pepper and thyme.